Everything you need to know about Pathophysiology… at aGlance!
From the publishers of the market-leading at a Glanceseries, and from the authors of the successful Fundamentals ofApplied Pathophysiology textbook comes the ideal revisionguide for all the key diseases and conditions that nursing andhealthcare students need to be aware of. Combining superbillustrations with accessible and informative text, this book isperfect for all nursing and healthcare students, and anyone who islooking for an overview of pathophysiology.
Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance covers all the keydiseases and disease processes affecting each body system, and keyconcepts encountered from the start of the pre-registration nursingor healthcare course.
Key features:
Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance is ideal fornursing and healthcare students as well as qualified practitioners,providing a comprehensive yet accessible overview of humanpathophysiology.
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